The World of Vaale
Come explore a story--YOUR story. Vaale is a world like our own--full of life, conflict and stories. Where it differs is in its inhabitants. Many and varied are these people and equally as varied are their stories...Won't you share your tale here in Vaale?
About Vaale
At it's heart, Vaale is a setting dedicated to humanity. Designed to be a mirror of the real world with its flowering and beautiful cultures, vibrant stories and larger-than-life figures, Vaale gives everyone and anyone a chance to live a life outside of themselves, if only for a short time.Designed to bring back the sensation of opening a new book as a kid or experiencing a story for the first time through film or a TV show, the world has been crafted to encourage exploration and learning; exploration of the self and of the world around you.While things in Vaale may become dark or grim, it is a place meant for the best parts of what makes us human to shine through--our experiences, our heritage and our ability to unite for the good of others. A place where we walk alongside heroes and share in what it means to be human--and perhaps see that we can be greater than we think we are, more powerful even without magic or weapons.Won't you walk with us in Vaale for a bit? Won't you tell us your story and share it with others?
How to Use Vaale
Vaale was designed to be a setting for story-telling; both in literature and for TTRPGs (Table-Top Roleplaying Games). It was also conceived to allow for the exploration of concepts and ideas that perhaps aren't common in media or that exist but require a strong suspension of disbelief--an example being the classic Pirates versus Ninjas.Vaale was designed to allow for these types of interactions--where a knight from a fairy-tale could conceivably fight alongside a llanero-styled sharpshooter and a technomancer who utilizes Taoist-based magic as they seek to stop an ancient dark lord from returning to power.To that end, I have created a brief explanation that can be read here that will explain in a bit more detail the rationale and mechanics for the setting from the outside looking in.
How Vaale Works
in Gaming
Vaale is a setting wherein all cultures are technologically equal but the aesthetics with which these technologies present themselves are wildly different.
Thematically, Vaale was conceived as a place for any number of stories and cultures to be explored. A place where a player could (and hopefully would) delve into their own personal interests in the world and explore it through the lens of fantasy.
While it is a fantasy setting, it is built on the idea that all cultures within its sphere more or less are equal in terms of basic weaponry and technology--be this through actual applied science or magic or both.What this means for a TTRPG game is that while a character may create a ranger who wanders the wilds using a bow and arrow, their weapon is no more or less effective than a gun as determined by the rules of the TTRPG.Example: Faust has rolled up as Paladin in D&D 5e. He was made to emulate a space-faring knight with a laser-based blade. Functionally, this blade has no more or less special properties than a standard metal blade in terms of damage, nor would it be more or less effective in a sword fight against a blade made of metal.This is done to allow players to play what they wish without the fear of being outclassed by simple flavor choices. The logic behind this is clear; if one lived in a world where a blade made of heated light could be fashioned, then your neighbors would act to find a means to counter-balance that threat be it with magic or some other means.
Places of Vaale
Herein you will find the fabulous and fantastical peoples that populate the world of Vaale.Because of the variety of people within Vaale, they have been split into groups based upon shared heritage and birthrights.During Character Creation your DM may allow you to use the traits listed within each of these locations instead of the usual Background options. It is strongly advised that players and DMs who use these options use the Standard Array method for ability score generation if these traits are used.For clarification on Languages in Vaale, please click Here. A complete list of alternative languages for the setting has been provided.
Magic of Vaale
The magic of Vaale is, in its most simplistic sense, mathematics. Complicated arithmetic, but still arithmetic. Using powerful, complex patterns of geometry, those who can understand magic are capable of incredible feats; combusting the air into a gout of flame, conjuring raucous thunderstorms or creating gateways between two spaces.Understanding this means that, for all its intricacies, magic is capable of a near-endless number of feats. It also means that magic is by its nature delicate, prone to mishap and malfunction. Mass production of magic items, true magic items) is nearly impossible, though smaller wonders such as communication devices or clothes that can change their color or patterns are in abundance.Outside of getting their hands onto the odd magical device, the layman will never cast a single spell. Those who teach themselves magic, colloquially referred to as 'Arithmeticians', take decades of study, working with formulas of such tangled numbers and angles that only the most dedicated learn anything substantive.Below are some examples of those that study and learn magic, applying it to daily living on a regular basis.
The scholars and delvers into the deepest forms of magic, it is from Arithmeticians that the vast amount of magic understanding in Vaale derived from; were it not for their tireless trial and error (often times lethally so) magic would remain a mystery.Granted, arithmeticians still keep the bulk of it a mystery for the sake of protecting people from themselves (or so most of them say), but their dedication has laid the groundwork for future generations.Once called 'wizards' or 'conjurors', the common man now knows them by the overarching title of 'Arithmetician' and is content to leave it there; actual casters may still break themselves down into schools or titles on their chosen form of magic.Scholars at heart, all of their magic is derived purely through study and application of formulae that allow them to bend the laws of nature. The more powerful the spell, the greater the mathematic principle required.
Many arts and crafts exist in Vaale that are familiar--glassblowing, carpentry, smithing and chemistry to name a few. Artificers see these sciences as a means to perform and recreate magics that their traditionalist associates in Arithmancy fashion through math and geometry.Forming compounds in beakers, wiring together powerful courses of arcane energy in handheld devices or through enormous structures, Artificers have laid the groundwork for civilization to move beyond the principles of magic and apply it to the everyday lives of those around them.
Those who are the beneficiaries of magic from otherworldly sources. These individuals may be sinners or saints, gaining power from either divine beings--or those who are not quite divine.Many stories speak of those who are granted power by the gods to perform miracles, great or small; these moments are, in fact, times when the gods intercede to perform the appropriate geometric patterns for their supplicant rather than their supplicant doing it themselves. As such, all of the magic is produced under the lens of the actual practitioner--in this case, the god that is called upon.Of course, one need not call upon just the divine for such powers. There are many whose cry for power is answered by others; devils, fey lords, elemental djinn, demigods or even the eldritch nightmares that haunt mortalkinds' most vestigial nightmares.In whatever instance, just like with the divine guides, the color of the magic used by the holders of these pacts is tinged or tainted by their source and, like divine Beneficiarii, there is an exchange to be made and a price to be paid for the continued use of that power.
Cunning Folk
While an arithmetician may speak down about those known as 'cunning folk', there is no denying the efficacy of their craft. And Craft is indeed a word that Cunning Folk use to describe what they do. Straddling the line between artifice and formula, Cunning Folk and their magics come from the world around them and whatever they can lay their hands on; what people may still call 'druids' or 'witches' or 'hedge magic'.This magic, while taught, tends to be passed down within families or from an elder to a younger practitioner through rites and traditions far older than such practices as 'colleges', instead calling on the world itself and its inherent tendency towards shapes.Whether it is the careful intricacy of a spider's web or the cultivated ring of a bird's nest, nature is full of powerful shapes and the capacity to use them has been handed down from one person to the next, and its effects are used to help (or harm) those far from the regulated cities.
The least understood of all magic users, Savants by their nature fly in the face of all given principles of arithmancy. Whether capable of performing magic from the moment of birth without the use of geometric patterns or being capable of creating magic through art or song or even sometimes stories, savants are a force of wonder and fear among the populace of Vaale (including the savant themselves).Theories abound, with attempts to explain away some of the finer details for how these people are capable of what they do; 'artists and musicians create the proper geometries through drawn lines or the unseen shapes and waves of sound as it rebounds off surfaces' being a popular one.There is no true, accepted theory. What is concrete is that these individuals can create fantastic magical effects by dint of simply 'being good at it', without the need for decades of study in a college or madrasa or by calling upon outside influences to give them understanding.
Vital Magic
On the surface, the notions of vital magic sounds simplistic; the motion or angling of the body in such a way that it creates magical effects. While minor in comparison to the world-bending capacity of the arithmancy practices of others, this form of magic is (in theory) capable of being learned and practiced by anyone.While it has many names - Qi, Mana, Vitae - it functions all the same; drawing on the innate geometry of the body, blood and breath to formulate incredible feats focused primarily upon the self (although this is not always the case).Swordsmen who temporarily create a magical bulwark for themselves, a martial artist who makes a wall-shattering kick or a spy that turns himself invisible with a few gestures of the hand in an intricate and precise manner; these are the ways and means a person may access their own personal magic in Vaale.
A Note on the subject of Belief:
Belief is a powerful force within Vaale. Through it, kingdoms have risen and fallen but on an invidual basis it is a weak source of magic, requiring an amassed number of people to allow it to function in any true capacity. There are individuals, however, whose conviction is so great, so unshakably inherent in everything they do that it can allow for magic to be performed. This is usually in conjunction with vital magics rather than apart from it.
Language | Average Speakers | Lang. Equivalent |
Almiraj | Almiraj, Doqaltharl | --- |
Asmaidi | Kahmoh, Uiara, Vegali | Aquan |
Doqaltharl | Almiraj, Biir, Doqaltharl | --- |
Eulmi | Universal | Common |
Ghahlgic | Bauchan, Biir, Lutin | Goblin |
Hicant | Chelhuah, Noor, Yamanto, Yaksha | Giant |
Jahnan | Cambion, Daimon, Gaini | Infernal |
Kenbek | Maihes, Setzobec, Sur'tuda, Uiara | --- |
Lyr'Da | Alfar, Biir, Eul, Otso, Sefirot | Elvish |
Manuhese | Maihes, Medusae, Setzobec, Sur'tuda | Sphinx |
Medusean | Daimon, Cambion, Medusae, Nephele | --- |
Ouráne | Daimon, Nephele | Celestial |
Otsan | Almiraj, Otso | --- |
Prakhaian | Biir, Prakhai, Vegali, Yaksha | --- |
Vegalai | Jann, Kahmoh, Uiaran, Vegali | --- |
The Merchant Republic of Del’Acqua
A former pirate hold that has evolved from a thalassocracy and now into a merchant republic. This city-state is an expansive world power, recognized for its contributions to art, culture and craftsmen. Located within a glistening grotto of perpetual twilight, it is also known for a city of deep intrigues and secrets, with a sanctioned assassins guild and ruled over by a mysterious doge. It is also the headquarters of the Inquisitors, a group dedicated to the policing of the divine.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Dexterity, Intelligence or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Deception, History, Insight or Performance to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of an Artisan’s Tools, Disguise kit, Forger’s Kit or a musical instrument.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Asmaidi, Doqaltharl, Ghahlgic (Goblin) or Ourane.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= a Forger’s Kit
= a musical instrument
= an incomplete work of art worth 10gp
= a Disguise Kit.
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Delicate Masquerade: Whether born into the upper classes or having climbed there from some lower rung, you understand well how to play the ‘Game’ of Del’acqua and learn secrets. You gain the following benefits:
= If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips.
= If you spend at least 10 minutes observing or interacting with another creature outside combat, you may attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check, the DC of which is the creature’s Wisdom score. On a success, you learn one of its personality traits if it has any and a piece of the creature’s history.Mobile Atelier: (requires proficiency in an Artisan’s tools) You are well-trained in your craft, able to make mundane objects with ease. When you make a check that involves using Artisan Tools with which you are proficient, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Licensed to Eliminate: There are many places within Del’Acqua that one can learn to take a life, either through brutality or subtlety. Choose one of the following features that defines how you learned to inflict violence:
= Assassin’s Guild Graduate: You gain proficiency with Poisoner’s Kit or Thieves Tools. You can conceal a dagger, dart or a handcrossbow and a single bolt on your person. Any attempts by another creature to detect these objects through physical contact or visual inspection are made with disadvantage.
= Skullduggery: You have learned how to coerce through brute strength and quick-wits in a brawl. You are proficient with improvised weapons and when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
I simply cannot wait to learn all of your secrets…!
Live in magnificence and you’ll never want for friends.
There are games played on so many levels in society. I enjoy making new rules as I go along.
My craft is my life, whether others understand that or not.
Let others bear the burden of power; I’d prefer humble contentment.
The gods, like politicians, are there to serve us, not the other way around.
The City-State of El'nasir
Beneath the blistering coastal sun, the city-state of El'nasir expands outwards into the hills. Marked as the birthplace of the god of burials, Aluce, it is signifigant to adherents of his personal cults--it is also, according legend, the only land that no undead can or would dare to set foot in.
With large cemeteries both within and without its walls and myriads of catacombs below it, it is as splendid and final a resting place as one could hope to have.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Religion, History, Arcana or Performance to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of Mason's Tools, Glassblower's Tools, Potter's Tools or a musical instrument.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Asmaidi, Doqaltharl, Kenbek or Lyr'Da.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= a whip
= a musical instrument
= a holy relic worth 10gp
= a Level 1 Cleric spell scroll.
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Tender of Graves: The tending of graves and cemeteries is a solemn affair, one that tends to run in families or are handed down with great ceremony. You were trained in this art and can use it both to give peace to the living and the dead. You may cast Gentle Repose as a ritual. You may perform this ritual without needing to touch the remains so long as the remains are within a grave or some other form of burial arrangement and you know the name of the interred creature. In addition, you know the cantrip Toll the Dead.
Mobile Atelier: (requires proficiency in an Artisan’s tools) You are well-trained in your craft, able to make mundane objects with ease. When you make a check that involves using Artisan Tools with which you are proficient, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.
Licensed to Eliminate: There are many places within Del’Acqua that one can learn to take a life, either through brutality or subtlety. Choose one of the following features that defines how you learned to inflict violence:
= Assassin’s Guild Graduate: You gain proficiency with Poisoner’s Kit or Thieves Tools. You can conceal a dagger, dart or a handcrossbow and a single bolt on your person. Any attempts by another creature to detect these objects through physical contact or visual inspection are made with disadvantage.
= Skullduggery: You have learned how to coerce through brute strength and quick-wits in a brawl. You are proficient with improvised weapons and when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon on your turn, you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
I simply cannot wait to learn all of your secrets…!
Live in magnificence and you’ll never want for friends.
There are games played on so many levels in society. I enjoy making new rules as I go along.
My craft is my life, whether others understand that or not.
Let others bear the burden of power; I’d prefer humble contentment.
The gods, like politicians, are there to serve us, not the other way around.
The Fourth Moon, Gol'eah
There were twelve moons within the sky of Vaale--then there were eleven after an ancient cataclysm brought one of them down to its surface. With it came the advent of the Vegali, as the moon was one of their settlements--one of them.The moon of Gol'eah was another as has since become a thriving if isolated city-state of its own. A vast network of streets in vibrant neon colors as bright as the Vegali who founded it, they have devised a means to govern through intellect and the use of arithemagical means utilizing pedralma (or soulstones) creating a 'wairua'roto-te'miihini' or 'Soulful Machine'.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Arcana, History, Investigation or Perception to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of an Tinker’s Tools, Navigator's tools, or Alchemist's Tools.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose one additional option from Almiraj, Doqaltharl, Hicant or Vegalai.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= Two spell scrolls from the Wizard cantrip list
= A Level 1 Wizard spell scroll
= A set of alchemist tools
= A set of tinker's tools
Features and Characteristics
Coming Soon in 'Vaale: Expounded'
The Republic of Graeos
Coming Soon in 'Vaale: Expounded'
The Principalities of Grausland
A vast region of dense forests and mountains, Grausland’s reputation precedes it as the cauldron into which all of the world’s superstitions and uncanny shadows have been poured. Brimming with tales of loup garou, hexen, horrible shades from nightmare and writing with the foul influence of both the Unseelie Court and the poisoning influence of It Which brings Mortality, the land itself is unforgiving and tainted.In this darkness, the Elkonicht rule, houses of nobles dating back for a thousand years—though many of them are ruled by mere specters of patriarchs and matriarchs (sometimes literally). Small hamlets lock their doors well before sundown and intone incantations and chosen words to safeguard themselves and their children from harm.Once the seat of power for the vast empire of the ‘true’ Alfar, it is now a husk of its former self, and the same nobles and boyars that ruled once now have fallen to petty squabbles amongst themselves.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Constitution, Wisdom or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Animal Handling, History, Survival or Religion to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of either Calligrapher's Tools, Cook’s supplies or Woodcarver’s Tools.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Lyr’Da. Choose two additional options from Doqaltharl, Eulmi (Common) or Otsan.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A token of protection
= A writ of noble pedigree
= Woodcarver’s tools
= Handaxe
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Superstition’s Guide: You know of omens and portents that announce danger or doom (and occasionally good things) and know to follow the wisdom of your elders. Once per short rest, you may attempt to detect the presence of the undead or fey within 30 feet of you or the presence of traps as if by the Detect Traps spell. If you use this feature two or more times before completing your next long rest, there is a cumulative 25 percent chance for each casting after the first that you get a random reading. The DM makes this roll in secret.
Infamous Lineage: Your family’s deeds (or misdeeds) are known far and wide and you know how to leverage that to your advantage. When you select this feature, you gain proficiency in either Persuasion or Intimidation. When making either roll and invoking your family’s name or deeds, roll an additional 1d4 and add it to the result. If you use this trait within Grausland, you may double the proficiency bonus instead.
Chilling Presence: You or your family have been touched by the dread energies of Grausland—whether it be the undead or the unseelie courts. As a result, you cause others to hesitate to strike you with a look or a word. Gain the following trait:
= Until the end of the first round of combat, any humanoid or beast creature with a CR 4 or lower who targets you with an attack or a harmful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw (DC is 10 + Your Proficiency Bonus). On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. This spell doesn't protect you from area effects, such as the explosion of a fireball. This effect ends prematurely if you make an attack, cast a spell that affects an enemy, or deal damage to another creature.Spiralean: A unique set of soldiery created in the distant past of Grausland. You are or were considered for a role in this group thanks to your inherent connection to a poltergeist. You gain the following benefits:
= You learn the mage hand cantrip. You can cast it without verbal or somatic components, and you can make the spectral hand invisible. If you already know this spell, its range increases by 30 feet when you cast it. Its spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this homeland.
= As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + the ability modifier of the score increased by this feat) or be moved 5 feet toward or away from you. A creature can willingly fail this save.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
I will defend my family, friends and home until my last breath!
Ending suffering is a goal every soul can share.
I will create a legacy that stands the test of time!
Having a weapon is different from actually using it.
There is no room for those who would exploit others.
I am open and eager to exchange divine beliefs with other devout souls.
A splendid territory that is half peninsula and half archipelago, this lush land is full of thriving jungles, towering mountains and verdant lowlands. Islands that are close enough together are spanned by magnificent bridges, decorated by stone representations of guardian spirits and heroic ancestors. Architectural marvels for both religious and agricultural purposes are found in abundance as well as thriving villages that extend into the sea itself on stilted legs.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Dexterity, Constitution or Wisdom ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from History, Nature and Religion. You gain proficiency with your choice of either Vehicles (Water), Cartographer’s Tools, Mason’s Tools or Weaver’s Tools.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi. Choose two additional options from Hicant, Kenbeck, Manuhese or Prakhaian.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A prayer book or prayer wheel, and 5 sticks of incense
= A spear and fishing net
= Weavers tools
= Masons Tools
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Terrain of Home, Terrain in the Heart: While traveling for an hour or more in forest or swamp terrain, you gain the following benefits:
= Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel.
= You can try to hide when you are lightly obscured from the creature from which you are hiding.Temple Student: You gain proficiency with the Religion skill if you do not already have it. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Nature) skill check, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.
Shrewd Courtier: You gain proficiency with the Persuasion skill if you do not already have it. If you spend at least 1 hour speaking to a creature, you may attempt a Wisdom (Insight) check (DC 15). On a success, you are able to determine one of its personality traits, if it has any. You cannot use this feature on the same creature again for 7 days.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
I will defend my family, friends and home until my last breath!
Ending suffering is a goal every soul can share.
I will create a legacy that stands the test of time!
Having a weapon is different from actually using it.
There is no room for those who would exploit others.
I am open and eager to exchange divine beliefs with other devout souls.
Confederacy of Kao’Swa
A loose union of three kingdoms, the Confederacy of Kao’Swa rose from the ashes of the final imperial attempts of the Line of Saffron—the tyrannical empire that attempted a complete unification of the greater Tng-Zan continent.Represented by the Kingdom of Kao, the Kingdom of Dhalh and the Kingdom of Myin-Naung, it is the direct rival of the land of Teocalli for the title of the Capital of Astronomy.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Strength, Intelligence or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Arcana, History, Nature, Persuasion or Survival to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of Alchemist’s Tools, Calligrapher’s Tools, Cobbler’s Tools, Navigator’s Tools, or Weaver’s Tools.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Almiraj, Hicant, Kenbeck, Manuhese or Prakhaian.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A spyglass
= A set of Calligrapher's Tools
= A set of Alchemist's Tools
= A short sword and shortbow
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Blossom Knight: You are the child of a noble or courtier or have received patronage from one. Selected not only for your intellect but your charisma, you are trained as an elite member of society, destined to take some role in government. You gain proficiency in either Deception or Persuasion (your choice). In addition, you gain the following benefits:
= When you attempt a Charisma (Persuasion) check against a creature that has either a neutral or friendly disposition towards you, you gain advantage on the check if the attempt is made in good faith (you cannot be persuading the target into an action you know will lead them into some sort of harm, physical or otherwise).
= You gain proficiency in a single melee martial weapon and a single ranged martial weapon of your choice.
= You know a cantrip of your choice from the Wizard cantrip list.Student of the Sciences: Educated in the natural sciences and arithemagics, you gain proficiency in Arcana and Nature. In addition, you know the guidance cantrip and may cast Identify as a ritual a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). Intelligence is the ability for these spells.
Cunning Rabbit: You are a follower of the old (and sometimes regarded as paganistic) religion dedicated to Father Rabbit—Xong-Xi. Through this dedication, you have learned many secrets of land and the moon. You can read, write and speak Almiraj if you cannot already. In addition, you gain the following traits:
= You gain proficiency with an Herbalism Kit.
= You gain proficiency with your choice of either the Medicine or Nature skill.
= When you use a healer's kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
I have a natural sense of justice that I allow to guide my actions.
I work hard to better myself and hone my empathy to better serve others.
While others scrape at the dirt, I seek to reach for the stars.
A good plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed next week.
The glory I bring to myself is shared by my countrymen.
A delicate touch is the key to success in this world.
The Trade-City Mal’Wianai
Of the many oases within the desert, none has seen as much contestation as Wianai. It has had a long history of many names, starting as a tiny settlement nestled within the valley of sandstone with water being its sole claim to notoriety for centuries. It would not be until it became a stop-over for trade caravans exiting the Mal’Theo Mountains that it grew into the resplendent hub of commerce that it is today.This, naturally, made it a tempting target for power plays from all sides; between the Maihes, Cambions, Jann and Nephele, it has seen many and more rulers and states lay claim to its bounteous resources. It wasn’t until the rise of the Jann and their Kagt Sheik, Seydou I, that it ended its centuries long dance between rulers. His vast wealth was passed along to his son, Seydou II, who through his piety, generosity and shrewdness drew the attention of Loch’Yu himself, who in turn, deified him as the God of Coin and Wealth.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Strength, Constitution or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Persuasion or Religion to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of Brewer’s Supplies, Carpenter’s Tools, Cobbler’s Tools, Cook’s Utensils, Woodcarver’s Tools or Herbalism Kit.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi. Choose two additional options from Hicant, Jahnan, Manuhese, or Ouráne.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A magnifying glass and Merchant's scales
= A set of Cobbler's Tools
= A set of Cook's Utensils
= A set of Jeweler's Tools
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Student of the Medrese: You have studied with some of the greatest secular minds in the world, under independent tutelage. As a result, you have a wide breadth of knowledge and gain the following benefits:
= You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list.
= You gain proficiency with one language of your choice.
= You gain proficiency with one set of tools, utensils or kit of your choice.Trades Guard: You are a member of the Federation Cavalry, a unique and elite branch of the Mal’Wiani military. Your training has afforded you skill on horseback and in arid places where guarding trade routes is pivotal. You gain the following benefits:
= You are proficient with spears and lances.
= While mounted, when you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack. This attack must be made with a spear or lance. If you moved at least 10 feet before taking this bonus action, you gain a +5 bonus to the attack’s damage.
= While traveling in deserts, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while mounted.
= While mounted, you ignore the effects of non-magical difficult terrain.Merchant Union Member: At some point in your life, you were trained in the ways of trade and being a merchant, granting you insight on how to buy and sell as well as manipulate trade deals. You gain the following benefits:
= When buying or selling an single object, you may attempt a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Deception) roll (DC 15). On a success, you may increase or decrease the perceived value of the object by 10%. A creature effected by this trait cannot have the trait used on them again for 7 days.
= When attempting to buy or sell a magical item using downtime (see Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), you decrease the amount of time and gold needed by half (minimum of one week) to find a buyer or seller.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
There are other denominations besides gold and platinum coins?
Progress and religion need not be enemies.
Fortune is a sign of divine favor; if I remain virtuous, I remain rich.
A good deal can turn an enemy into a friend.
Abundance of wealth was meant to be shared.
Gold is nothing compared to true mortal needs.
Cosmopolis of Milneland
Coming Soon in 'Vaale: Expounded'
Karhun’ma Otslonde
Hills and forests have merged into a girding swath of territory. Hemming in the dreary territory of Grausland, the territory of Karhun’ma Otslonde, or Otslonde as it is known in common parlance, has been a shield against the invading Elkonicht, preventing their empire from moving into Otslonde’s neighbors and their smaller allies.Known as the homeland of the Otso, the miles and miles of heavy woods, rolling hills and isolated hamlets create a unique land, with its peoples dedicated to one another, their protectorates and hospitality.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Strength, Constitution or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Arcana, Nature, Persuasion or Survival to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of Brewer’s Supplies, Carpenter’s Tools, Cobbler’s Tools, Cook’s Utensils, Woodcarver’s Tools or Herbalism Kit.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Almiraj, Doqaltharl, Ghahlgic, Lyr’Da, or Otsan.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= An herbalism kit and a hunting trap.
= A set of Brewers's Tools
= A set of Cook's Utensils
= A shield and chainmail armor.
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Homefire Tender: (Requires proficiency with Herbalism Kit, Brewers Tools or Cook’s Utensils) You have been raised to take care of the home and those within it. As a result, you gain the following abilities:
= You gain proficiency with cook's utensils if you don't already have it.
= As part of a short rest, you can cook special food, provided you have ingredients and cook's utensils on hand. You can prepare enough of this food for a number of creatures equal to 4 + your proficiency bonus. At the end of the short rest, any creature who eats the food and spends one or more Hit Dice to regain hit points regains an extra 1d8 hit points.
= When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check or an ability check involving brewer's supplies or cook's utensils, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.Frontier Guardian: Keeping the hills and frontier lands of Ostlonde safe from the immediate threats without, especially from those that seek to prey on the named protectorate towns and territories allied with your home, you are trained to respond immediately to these threats. You gain the following benefits:
= While wearing chain mail armor, you ignore the disadvantages to stealth imposed by your armor while in darkness. This benefit does not extend to any other heavy armor you may wear.
= While you have a shield equipped, if you are within 5 feet of a friendly creature when both you and the creature make a Dexterity saving throw, you may, as a reaction, give yourself disadvantage on the saving throw and grant advantage to the creature.While you have a shield equipped, if you are within 5 feet of a friendly creature when both you and the creature make a Dexterity saving throw, you may, as a reaction, give yourself disadvantage on the saving throw and grant advantage to the creature.Deep-Wood Resident: As one who has grown up in the heavily-forested regions of Otslonde, you know your way through such terrains and can use them to your advantage, understanding the land’s many nuances. While traveling for an hour or more in forest terrain, you gain the following benefits:
= Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel.
= While foraging for food, you are able to find enough food to feed six people.
= During a long rest, you may attempt to fashion rations for traveling. Make a Wisdom (Survival) check (DC 13). On a success, you produce one day's rations for yourself. If you succeed by 5 or more, you produce a second set of rations.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
It isn’t paranoia if it turns out I was right.
Nobility Obliges—The Commoner Obeys.
My gallows humor makes people laugh—mostly people from Grausland.
There is no horror that cannot be overcome.
I feel safest when surrounded by light and life.
The night, however long, must give way to day.
Gyang-Debu-Mehd Sattsvara
Tucked away in the fringes of the Moonfall Plateau is an untouched portion of highlands that lead up into tremendous and lofty peaks. These peaks, formed from the fallen shards of the Twelfth Moon’s fall, ruptured the earth and shifted the plates, lifting up segments and lowering others. Isolation was the result—and so the Gyang-Debu-Mehd was formed.A close approximation of the name into Common is ‘The Wall Against Ignorance’, a title that the Plateau takes to heart. Formed from the risen land and dotted with volcanoes and lakes formed from the descent of the moon and its titanic shards, it provides the perfect sort of isolation and security. Those who approach the lands will see the ‘wall’—a winding path, half-engineered and half-naturally formed that leads from the surrounding hills and up onto the plateau proper, guarded by the figures of previous divine rulers in an imposing display that deters thoughts of invasion.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Strength, Constitution or Wisdom ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Nature, Religion or Survival to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of Calligrapher’s Tools, Glassblowers Tools, Leatherworker’s Tools or Weaver’s Tools or Vehicles (Land).
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Almiraj, Hicant, Manuhese or Prakhaian or Vegalai.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A prayer book, 5 sticks of incense and a holy symbol
= A set of Calligrapher’s Tools
= A sling with ten pieces of ammunition and a quarterstaff
= A set of cold-weather clothes and 5gp.
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Jaxa Nomad: As a member of the herding nomads of the plateau, you are trained in both riding over difficult terrain and ensuring your animals are tended to. You gain proficiency in Animal Handling if you do not already have it. In addition, you gain the following benefits:
= While mounted, you gain advantage on any ranged weapon attack you make during your turn if you have moved at least 20 ft.
= While traveling on grasslands and mountains, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while mounted and you cannot be surprised.
= While mounted, you ignore the effects of non-magical difficult terrain.Monastery Resident: It is not uncommon for the vast temple complexes of Sattsvara to be the residence of layfolk as well as soldiers, monks and administrators. You gain one of the following traits depending on the role you held within the dzong or temple:
= Soldier: (Requires at least one level in martial class) You are accustomed to fighting in close quarters and making use of narrow halls to defend those who cannot defend themselves. As an action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, you can make opportunity attacks without using your reaction. Any attacks of opportunity made while in this stance cannot benefit from having Advantage.
= Pilgrim-Priest: You have trained your mind and body to such a degree that you can respond in combat with alacrity. You know the true strike cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the longstrider spell on yourself once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the enhance ability spell once on yourself with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
= Crafter: (Requires proficiency with at least one type artisans tools) Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of a craft related to an artisan’s tools you have proficiency in, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. When you make an ability check involving artisan's tools (not including Intelligence (History) checks), you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.Gleaner of Histories: Tasked with going forth from the plateau to copy and collect texts and histories from around the world, you have been trained to pick through massive amounts of information, dates and names. You gain proficiency in Investigation, if you do not have it already. In addition, you gain the ability to cast the spell comprehend languages as a spell-like ability. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this trait after a long rest.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
Libraries and museums are the frontline defense against ignorance; histories must be preserved and shared.
There is no room for sentiment in the vast emptiness of the plateau.
We are all fellow travelers on the road of life.
There is a time for aggression and a time for peace; observing both is vital.
I keep close to communities I find myself in; we must cling together or fall apart.
Isolation has protected Sattsvara—it will protect me too.
The Holy See of Teodorgrad
Marked as the religious capital of the world, this city-state is known the world over. Opulence is matched with piety to create a resplendent jewel of ritual and reliquaries. Overseen by the High Cardinals, all divine providence emanates from Teodorgrad. In addition, it is the center of currency, holding the vast majority of coinage used by the world over as a unified currency.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from History, Intimidation, Persuasion or Religion to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of an Artisan’s Tools, a musical instrument or a gaming set.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Jahnan, Manuhese, Medusean or Ourane.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A prayer book, 5 sticks of incense and a holy symbol
= A musical instrument
= A set of Artisan's Tools
= A tithe box containing 10 gp.
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Gilded Guide: As an ordained member of the clergy within Teodorgrad, you have authority and pull on the religious and may collect tithes from them without much question. In addition, you gain the following benefits:
= You gain proficiency in Religion if you do not already have it.
= You learn the thaumaturgy cantrip. In addition, you learn one cantrip from the Cleric spell list.
= Whenever you make an Intelligence (Religion) check, you may roll an additional 1d4 and add that to the result.High Cardinal Secretary: You are one of a small army of ardent supporters of one (but not both) of the High Cardinals and have been granted divine power to aid in their machinations. You gain one of the following traits depending on which Cardinal you support:
= High Cardinal Gaulbericht: As a supporter of Cardinal Gaulbericht, you understand the need for pragmatism in all things and ensuring the security and stability of the Holy See. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the cause fear spell as a 2nd-level spell with this trait; you regain the ability to cast it when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the darkness spell once per day with this trait; you regain the ability to cast it when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
= High Cardinal Celsus: You prefer the gentle and beatific way of Cardinal Celsus, preferring to reach out with an open-hand and demagoguery. You know the friends cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the charm person spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the suggestion spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.Adherent: Life within the Holy See for those not members of the cloth can be difficult or easy depending on how well they adhere to the demands made of them and coercion is something that is commonplace. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
The gods speak and people listen. Money also speaks and people listen too.
The Cardinal I support knows what is best for all; my support is unwavering.
I’ve learned to keep my head down. I just want to be left to my own devices.
The gods deserve our respect and in turn aid us when we need it.
Other cities would do well to replicate the Holy See.
I see the hand of the gods in my life everywhere I look.
Noocracy of Teocalli
The homeland of the Vegali and the land of the Falling Moon, Teocalli is a long stretch of territory that is cratered by shards of the fallen Twelfth Moon. The impact caused tremendous shifts in the terrain, creating lakes bordered by steep cliffs, torn valleys and high mountains. The hills and rocky terrain make for excellent natural defenses while the heavy forests and rivers further complicate invasion.Centered among all this is the Vegali-Duskai capital city-state, situated in and suspended above a vast caldera, said to be the point where the largest section of the moon crashed. Operating as an immense orrery, its position and layout is constantly in motion, leading to yet more difficulty in invasion and providing the people of Teocalli with impeccable understanding of the natural and astrological world.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from History, Intimidation, Persuasion or Religion to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of an Artisan’s Tools, a musical instrument or a gaming set.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from, Hicant, Lyr’da, Prakhaian or Vegalai.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A gaming set
= An astrological map
= Ten darts and a sling
= Potter's tools.
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Warak'aq: (Must be proficient in a gaming set) Dedicated to the divine reign of Sarqa, you seek out and bring ruin to the cult of his sworn enemy, Kumakarna. You have resistance to thunder damage and gain proficiency with shields and slings. In addition, while using a sling, creatures you target do not benefit from half-cover. When you use the Help action to aid an ally in attacking a creature, increase the range of the Help action by 10 feet.
Observatory Student: You have studied with a number of masters of astronomy and meteorology, granting you passing insight into the workings of the sky. You always know which way is north. You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset and you can predict the weather for the next 24 hours by spending ten minutes studying the sky.
Trailblazer: High mountains and low forested valleys have been your home for years. You are accustomed to them, even when they are outside your usual stomping grounds. While traveling for an hour or more in forest or mountain terrain, you gain the following benefits:
= Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's travel.
= Outside of combat, any climbing checks made by your group are made with advantage if you are not incapacitated.
= In combat, you may use your reaction to grant a climbing speed to a friendly creature equal to half their movement speed. This creature must be able to see and hear you and must be within 30 feet of you.
Shunned Offspring: (requires Storm Sorcerer bloodline) You are hunted for your ability to control storms, viewed as a threat by Sarqa, his priests and the people of Teocalli. Fear has taught you subtlety and so you are mindful of your magic. You gain the Silent Spell metamagic option. This option does not count against the known number of metamagic feats. You cannot change this option for another when you would normally be allowed to change metamagic feats.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
High hills and tall trees are there to be climbed—exploration is key!
The stars guide our lives and we’d do well to listen to them.
We must be vigilant to prevent ancient evils from arising once again.
The less people meddle in Teocalli’s affairs, the better.
We all have our assigned roles, and we should all carry them out.
I record everything in my life so future generations may use my experience.
Queendom of Te'wo-Na'kown
Coming Soon in 'Vaale: Expounded'
Tündérfold Union
Described as ‘the country of roses and court of lilies’, Tündérfold is the home of brave knights, resplendent lords and ladies and romantic quests. Ruled by a Union of little kingdoms joined by the Court of Love, they represent all that their northern neighbors in Grausland are not; spreading love and laughter and the will of the Seelie courts of the Fey Wilds.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Dexterity, Wisdom or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Animal Handling, History, Performance or Religion to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of either Calligrapher's Tools, Painter’s supplies or a musical instrument.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Doqaltharl, Ghahlgic, Lyr'da or Otsan.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A token from a lover and 5gp
= A musical instrument
= Calligrapher's Tools
= Painter's Supplies
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Courtly Declaration: Once per week, you may select a new Ideal or Bond for your character to replace a previous one. This change must be declared before at least two sentient creatures who can understand you. When you do so, you gain Temporary hit points equal to your Performance skill modifier. You regain these temporary hit points at the end of a long rest for the next week.
Pious Pursuant: When you select this feature, choose a god for your character to devote themselves to. When you would make a Wisdom or Charisma saving throw, you may substitute any modifiers from those ability scores with your Intelligence (Religion) modifier instead. You may use this ability once per short rest. You do not regain the use of this feature unless you spend an additional hour at the end of a short rest praying to your selected god.
For Court and Country: You are or were a knight of one of the Kingdoms of Tündérfold and are trained in mounted combat. While you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits:
= You have advantage on melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature that is smaller than your mount.
= You can force an attack targeted at your mount to target you instead.
= If your mount is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you may use your reaction so it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
High hills and tall trees are there to be climbed—exploration is key!
The stars guide our lives and we’d do well to listen to them.
We must be vigilant to prevent ancient evils from arising once again.
The less people meddle in Teocalli’s affairs, the better.
We all have our assigned roles, and we should all carry them out.
I record everything in my life so future generations may use my experience.
The Hierarchy-Republic of Ufori
The seat of one of the several governing bodies that struggled over the Trade-City of Mal'Wianai for centuries, Ufori has shifted its face from empire to tyranny and now reformed into a stratocratic oligarchy.Still a military might to be contended with in disputes, they have (for now) put aside true conquest for the less glamorous but still bloody attempts to control trade. Many are the stories of their corsairs raiding trade ships while they gladly loan out their soldiery to those willing to pay--or occasionally as a 'gift' to allies.
Ability Score Increase. Increase either your Strength, Wisdom or Charisma ability score by 1.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Animal Handling, History, Intimidation or Religion to gain proficiency in. You gain proficiency with your choice of either Alchemist's Tools, Glassblower’s supplies or Vehicles (Water).
Languages. You can speak, read and write Eulmi (Common). Choose two additional options from Hicant, Jahnan, Manuhese, or Ouráne.
Equipment. Choose one of the following:
= A scimitar and shield
= A set of Glassblower's Tools
= A set of Alchemist's Supplies
= A treatise on strategy and 10gp.
Select one of the following features that best defines your character’s life in their homeland:
Vatandaş: You are a member of a ‘brotherhood’ which focuses on the betterment of your home and residence be it through hospitality or peace-keeping. During downtime activities you may reroll any dice rolls (as outlined in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything) with a result of 9 or lower. You must use the new result. This trait cannot be used for the following downtime activities: buying or selling magic items, crime, gambling, pit fighting or scribing scrolls.
Yeniçeri: The entirety of your life since childhood has been training for military life, be it through indoctrination or willing service. You gain proficiency in Light Armor and Shields and one melee and firearms and you ignore the loading property of firearms. In addition, when you make an Intelligence (History) check in regards to the military, roll an additional 1d4 and add it to the result
Şair: A title which means 'poet' it is applied to anyone who actively pursuits artistic endeavors. you gain the following benefits:
= Each week, you may make a Performance (DC 13) check. On a success, you can maintain a moderate lifestyle for that week without spending gold.
= Reduce the cost to carouse by half for each workweek.
= Whenever you fail a Charisma (Performance) check, you may roll a 1d4 and add it to your result.
Below are several common Personality options you may choose that exemplify the ideas and principles of a common member of your homeland:
High hills and tall trees are there to be climbed—exploration is key!
The stars guide our lives and we’d do well to listen to them.
We must be vigilant to prevent ancient evils from arising once again.
The less people meddle in Teocalli’s affairs, the better.
We all have our assigned roles, and we should all carry them out.
I record everything in my life so future generations may use my experience.